Wednesday, July 2, 2014

July - Summer is Here

Well, it has been an extremely stressful and busy couple of months-hence my not posting the last few months. My niece, who is like my child, had major surgery and still is in the recovery phase. My sister-in-law has been diagnosed with MS and another sister-in-law has had a cancer scare. My mother broke her foot and yes I want to leave town! But now July is here and it is like I inhaled a deep breath of sunshine. School will be over for at least another six weeks. Vacation is near, I can hear the sandy beaches calling my name.

On a positive note, I did finish my book, The Christmas Diary, and I am now in the process of reviewing it before I send it to the publisher.

As for the update on weight loss, I have not even stepped on the scale. I am a stress eater and I have eaten my weight in stress the past couple of months. But I am determined to take this set back, regroup and continue on this journey. Wish me luck.

Also, I would like to wish everyone a wonderful 4th of July holiday! I am so thankful for this country.  May everyone have a safe and blessed day.


  1. So sorry to hear about the illness in your family. I'm sure they appreciate your care-giving. I understand about the weight thing. I'm a stress eater too, and my goal for this year was to combat it. I'm not too successful there, but we have other things we've achieved. Your books are wonderful, and I'm pleased you finished The Christmas Diary. Is Christmas your favorite holiday?

  2. Hey Gay. Thank you for your comment. I think the older one gets, the harder it is to lose the weight. Having just turned the big 50, I know I have got to change my diet and exercise habits. And yes, Christmas is my favorite holiday. I start out writing and somehow the holidays just weave themselves into the story. My favorite summer holiday is Christmas in July. Wishing you many blessings and a happy 4th of July.
