Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Reality Of Christmas Versus The Fantasy Of Christmas

Merry Christmas!  May everyone have a blessed and wonderful Christmas day.  Please remember our servicemen and women who are away from their families during this holiday season.  Also remember the reason for Christmas - Happy Birthday Jesus!   

The sight of a horse drawn sleigh through snow capped mountains.  Sleigh bells ringing and drinking hot chocolate in front of a cozy fire with the Christmas lights shining brightly while reading the great new book,  The Christmas Answer.  (Ha Ha)  Christmas carols playing on the radio.  Children asleep waiting for Santa.  Those are the fantasy images of Christmas.
     The reality images of Christmas are standing in long lines buying gifts.  Spending more money than you need to.  Cooking or in our case traveling all day to your parents home.  Devoting hours to decorating, knowing that you are doing all this work only for a few weeks.  That is the reality of every woman around the holidays, stressed to the max.
     But somehow, the stress seems to melt away when I see my little boy's face on Christmas morning, seeing your brother and sisters with their families.   My nieces and nephews running away from me when I try to hug them.  Seeing my parents smile at their happiness of having their children and grandchildren surround them.  Yes, most importantly celebrating the reason for the season - Jesus Christ.
    Yes, there is stress at Christmas time.  But around July when they start playing Christmas movies for the Christmas in July weekend, I start yearning for the sleigh bells, hot chocolate and presents that is until the holidays actually come.

Thanks everyone for making The Christmas Answer #6 on Amazon- Christian Fiction-Short Stories.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Where Did The Christmas Decorations Disappear Too

   Now, I don't know if you are like me, but when I was in my twenties and thirties I was a Christmas decorating fanatic.  Even with boxes upon boxes of decorations,  I could not pass a Christmas store without buying something.  Currently, I am in a self imposed ban from buying anything that has bright lights or has the colors of red and green.
   Since I have hit my, lets just say forty something, I have to admit that I have not decorated like I had in the past.  But recently, I have wanted to try to get back my fanatic decorating spirit.  Especially since I realize how fast times flies as my little boy, as I still like to refer to him, strolls into his teenage years.  It dawned on me recently, that he had never seen most of the decorations I have stored in the large containers in the basement.
   So this year, I have made the decision to decorate the entire house .  Christmas dishes will be brought out, decorated trees in every room, lighted houses taken out of their boxes and strategically placed throughout the house.  My electric bill should go through the roof!
The bathroom will smell of cranberries.  While red and green towels will replace the sage and tan ones now hanging.  The kitchen will smell of gingerbread and Christmas cookies baking.  I can picture it now.  Oh, I just hope I have the energy to actually do it.

If you looking for a Christimas gift, The Christmas Answer is available at Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, Prism Book Group website and other e book retail stores.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Christmas Answer 

Hello everyone,

The Christmas season is now officially upon us.  I just wanted to let everyone know The Christmas Answer is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Nobel.

Monday, November 19, 2012

                                             HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!


Aha, the turkey, cranberries, and pumpkin pies, this is usually the meal most Americans stuff themselves with on this annual November holiday.

But do most of us really stop and acknowledge what the day really means?

Thankful is defined by Webster's Dictionary as a feeling or expressing gratitude or appreciation.

If only we took the word and applied it to everyday living, not just on Thanksgiving Day.  Imagine what the outcome would be.

Thankful for family and friends.

Thankful that we live in the United States of America.

Thankful for the military men and women that our willing to sacrifice their lives to protect us.

Thankful that we have a Savior that died on the cross for each one of us.

We may face trials in the upcoming year, personally and as a country, but with prayer, perseverance, and thankfulness we can overcome.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Blessings In Disguise

     How many times have you been driving and come upon a wreck that happened just a few minutes before you arrived?  I know I have.  As you wait in the car for traffic to be detour, do you ever think wow if I had been a few minutes earlier that could have been me?  I have to admit that until recently, I never thought of how God's hand could have played a role in the delays that keep you from being in the wrong spot at the wrong time.  Maybe you can't find your purse, your keys.  Or maybe your son wants to go back in the house because he forgot his hand held gaming system.  Little delays that may be irritating, but in the end could be blessings in disguise.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Next Big Thing

I have been tagged by the very talented author, Lynette Sofras to answer 10 questions about my new release, The Christmas Answer, which will be published in November by Prism Book Group.  You can read about Lynette's 'Next Big Thing' on her blog, Manic Scribbler.

Okay here we go:

What is the working title of your book?  The title of my book is The Christmas Answer.  The title did not come about until I finished the last paragraph and there it was just starring me in the face.

Where did the idea come from for the book?  I was listening to a Christian television show and there was a couple who where performing together.  It gave me the idea of writing a story about married Gospel singers and then my imagination took over from there.

What genre does your book fall under?  My book would be Inspirational.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?  The main character, Donna Whitestone Dubois would have to be played by Carrie Underwood without a doubt.  I saw her in Soul Surfer and thought she was great.

The male character lead, Mark Dubois could be played by country singer, Jake Owen.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?  That is difficult.  How about two sentences? The Christmas Answer is an inspirational story of gospel singer, Donna Dubois who's missionary trip to the Appalachian Mountains forces her to reexamine her life, marriage, and her faith. She discovers God has a plan for her, even when she seems distant from Him.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?  I am very blessed to be signed with Prism Book Group formally Inspired Romance Novels.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?  I worked on and off for about six months.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?  I am not sure that I could compare it to another book.  It is a Christmas, love, uplifting and redemption story     

Who or What inspired you to write this book?  I wanted to prove to myself and my son that whatever you want to do in life is achievable if you work hard and stick with it.

What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?  It is an inspirational Christmas story.  What else do you need to snuggle with in front of a fire with a cup of hot chocolate?

Next Wednesday, October 17, 2012, the next writer tagged for the 'Next Big Thing' is Carlene Havel.
Be sure and check out her blog: Carlene Havel Blog

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Beauty of Nature

                                                               The Beauty of Nature

                    Golden leaves with burnt orange tips are slowly peeping through the treetops
                    in the view of my window.  The beauty of fall is steadily creeping along
                    the trees as the chlorophyll green leaves decide to take an extended vacation 
                    for the next six months.  Orange, red, gold, brown the colors that decorated
                    most kitchens from the seventies make their annual appearance this time
                    of year.  While many may travel to areas where nature's beauty shines, 
                    many of us fail to stop and see the beauty of nature in our own backyard.
                    An odd shape rock, a long stick, a creek over flowing from the rain.  There
                    is always beauty around us, it is just taking the time to look and enjoy it.