Well February hit with a bang, a combination of snow/ice kept this Southern family unable to drive anywhere on several different occasions during the month. The dreariness of the months of January and February are not the most motivational scenes to get me up and exercising. But, I did get one workout a week in for the past four weeks. Also, I managed to clean out and organize my coffee table and end tables. I managed also to work on my novella, The Christmas Diary, for a few weekends during the month.
Now for the worst part, my weight update. I have lost (drumroll please) 5 lbs. Yes, a whopping five pound weight loss. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful. I know it takes time, and truthfully, I really didn't start the diet part till the second week of February. The weight loss did encourage me to kept going, so that I will. So that is my update for now. I hope by the end of March I will be able to report more progress in this slow evolution of losing weight.