Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Reality Of Christmas Versus The Fantasy Of Christmas

Merry Christmas!  May everyone have a blessed and wonderful Christmas day.  Please remember our servicemen and women who are away from their families during this holiday season.  Also remember the reason for Christmas - Happy Birthday Jesus!   

The sight of a horse drawn sleigh through snow capped mountains.  Sleigh bells ringing and drinking hot chocolate in front of a cozy fire with the Christmas lights shining brightly while reading the great new book,  The Christmas Answer.  (Ha Ha)  Christmas carols playing on the radio.  Children asleep waiting for Santa.  Those are the fantasy images of Christmas.
     The reality images of Christmas are standing in long lines buying gifts.  Spending more money than you need to.  Cooking or in our case traveling all day to your parents home.  Devoting hours to decorating, knowing that you are doing all this work only for a few weeks.  That is the reality of every woman around the holidays, stressed to the max.
     But somehow, the stress seems to melt away when I see my little boy's face on Christmas morning, seeing your brother and sisters with their families.   My nieces and nephews running away from me when I try to hug them.  Seeing my parents smile at their happiness of having their children and grandchildren surround them.  Yes, most importantly celebrating the reason for the season - Jesus Christ.
    Yes, there is stress at Christmas time.  But around July when they start playing Christmas movies for the Christmas in July weekend, I start yearning for the sleigh bells, hot chocolate and presents that is until the holidays actually come.

Thanks everyone for making The Christmas Answer #6 on Amazon- Christian Fiction-Short Stories.